To: dearest mdm, hong zhu
this is a letter then u could never read, i was really shock to hear that u have left us by sunday!
logged in to facebook, saw the news, all the memory fast rewind to the flame that i was still a teen with whaite uniform, argueing with u in the geography, trying to challenge you on the knowledge on geography, but i was defeated all the time,still remember u ever said that:''da quan , you very eager to learn in the class, this move teacher''
actually i was motivated by you on the way of how u taught us, using point accumulated and prize exchange to make us more active to answer question in the class.
i was regreted tht for not able to visit u last cny, as now i wont be able to visit u further more ,will be singing the tiny love song on ur memorial with the other, hope u will like it!
rest in peace teacher, bon voyage