IN FACT, it is not like that,TO HIM i just like piece of tissue, use and throw away by him again, my mind collapse thoroughly this time, why again and again he lied to me, and again and again i let him have a chance to hurt me? how culd he have another lover beside me, as he told me they were break,
i was once manange to talk to the girl, the girl is joy and seem excited once i mention 'him', i know, they are really fall in love with each other althought they have yet to see each other before!
i told myself to wuthdraw from this '3p' game, as i dont even have any single chance to win in this game, but every time once i mention break with him , then he will try to convince me that he is really love me, and cant live without me, then again and again, i endure all that , and again and again i forgive him, and remaIN the funny 'relationship' until today, my naive was the only reason to set me into the plight now, i cant do anything then crying......hahah, sound cool right, a fatso cry over his handkerchief hahahahah!!
in chinese legend movie, there will always have a screen that , those spirit(fox spirit, etc) when they are at their end of life(due to heavy injuried, as chinese believe that spirit normally have an eternal life) will vanish into fly ash just in a second and nothing left(灰飛煙滅), just imagine that your body break in to small pieces and continue to split up into cell ,element and water, until ion, just in a second, and nothing left behind nor memory neither regret, and it is sufferless......this is what i aspire after